Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Mommy Life-Savers"

Instant ...ahhhh... need Rolo's on stash at all time..
Responsibility tags, the kids get a take when they complete thier task, each worth a quarter, they earn thier allowance this way

Every mom just has to have a labler, it just makes you feel organized weather you are or not..

Went label crazy on my linen closet

Worried your child is color blind....mines not but doesn't care about matching....so.....each cubby had an outfit complete with underwear and socks, they still get to make choices but I don't have to fight about what thier wearing....


kat reynolds said...

I spent some time catching up on your blog. I've said this before, but you are so talented. You have very creative and have a good eye for things. It was fun to see a picture of your parents at the blessing. Tell them hi for me.

Holly said...

i love the responsibility tag idea!! good thing I don't have a label maker, I would definitely go crazy!! cute stuff. love the painting too!

GrowingRopers said...

i LOVE that outfit idea...might have to borrow it!! :)