Monday, April 12, 2010

FHE with the Reynolds....

    My good friend Kat from Timanogos High School and her darling family drove from Florida to Va. We were so excited to get to spend some time visiting with them and letting our kids play,,, " 11 all together." Tin-foil dinners, smoore's, and the great outdoors, "our kids were in heaven!".  My kids are already anxious to make the trek down to Fl. to visit their new friends.  Such fun!

Kat and I were the least boy crazy in High School and the first to get married... who'd a thought?

Hugs to the Reynolds...they kids can't wait to see you again. What a fun family!!!!


The Johnson Family said...

Ah...two of my favorite people with adorable families! Looks like you guys had a blast and all your kids are DARLING! Got you on my list too and now I can spy on your cute family all the time! Love the blogging world where I can find my friends. Love ya Kari!
Hey, pack the kids in the car and drive up to Indiana for FHE sometime! :)